2011/7/8 15:43:00 来源:中华工控网编译 

China is Partner Country of HANNOVER MESSE 2012

The Peoples Republic of China will be honored as the official Partner Country at HANNOVER MESSE 2012 (the Hannover Fair) in Hannover, Germany. Germanys Federal Minister of Economics and Technology, Dr. Philipp Rosler, and the Chinese Minister for Industry and Information Technology, Miao Wei, signed a cooperation agreement to this effect in Berlin on June 28. The parties to the agreement are convinced that Chinas Partner Country showcase at HANNOVER MESSE 2012 offers rich opportunities for fostering and intensifying bilateral economic and trade relations between Germany and the Peoples Republic. In realizing their joint project, Deutsche Messe AG and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) are receiving political support on the part of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and the Chinese Ministry for Industry and Information Technology. The contract was signed in the context of German-Chinese government consultations held at the German Federal Chancellery.

中国成为德国2012汉诺威工业博览会(汉诺威展)合作伙伴国。6月28日,德国联邦经济部长Philipp Rosler博士与中国工业和信息化部部长苗圩在柏林共同签署了合作协议。协议的双方坚信,中国作为2012年德国汉诺威工业博览会的合作伙伴国,将会把德国和中国双方的经贸关系进一步具体化和推向前进提供大量机会。为了落实该合作项目,德国汉诺威展览公司和中国国际贸易促进委员会将得到联邦经济技术部和中国工业和信息化部政治层面的支持。协议在联邦总理府里举行的德中政府磋商的框架中签署。

The Chairman of the Managing Board of Deutsche Messe AG, Dr. Wolfram v. Fritsch, issued the following statement: "We look forward very much to hosting and honoring China as the Partner Country at HANNOVER MESSE 2012. We are convinced that this partnership will give a strong boost to German-Chinese economic relations and create a major attraction for exhibitors and visitors from all over the globe. All the participants in HANNOVER MESSE will have an opportunity to step up their import and export activities with China and intensify their scientific and business contacts." HANNOVER MESSE is a pivotal platform for technology transfer and a driving force behind innovation. At HANNOVER MESSE 2011 last April, some 6,400 exhibitors from 60 different countries presented their products, systems and services.

德国汉诺威展览公司董事局主席Wolfram v. Fritsch博士说:“我们非常期待把中国作为2012汉诺威工业博览会的合作伙伴国来接待。我们也坚信,这个合作伙伴关系将会给德中两国的经济联系带来强烈的推动,而且给来自世界各地的参展商和观众带来强大的吸引力。所有的汉诺威展参加者都将有机会加强与中国在进出口方面的业务联系,加深他们之间的经济及科学交流。”汉诺威工业博览会是技术交流的重要平台,是技术创新的推动力量。在2011年4月的汉诺威工业博览会上,共有来自60个国家和地区的约6400家参展商展示了他们的产品、系统与服务。

A Partner Country with a dynamically expanding economy
The Peoples Republic of China numbers among the major exhibiting nations at HANNOVER MESSE. More than 500 Chinese exhibitors participated in the show in 2011. In the coming year China is expected to present various government-funded research projects in the area of energy efficiency ranging from power generation and smart grid systems to eco-friendly road vehicles.


With its 1.34 billion inhabitants, China is the worlds most populous nation and constitutes an enormous potential market for companies in Germany and other countries. The Chinese economy is expanding dynamically, with annual growth rates in excess of 10%. The Peoples Republic is also a major investor. In 2010 Chinas trade surplus amounted to around $183 billion.


The Peoples Republic has launched an extensive program aimed at restructuring its economy along more ecological lines. This will stimulate strong demand in sectors outside Chinas classic exporting industries - for example, in transport infrastructure, power generation, mine safety, environmental protection and healthcare. Alongside its traditional industrial technology highlights, HANNOVER MESSE 2012 will focus on green solutions. Next year will see the premiere of the new trade show "IndustrialGreenTec". In short, HANNOVER MESSE 2012 will cover all the issues of key relevance to the Chinese market.


Federation of German Industries (BDI) favors a partnership of equals
Germany is Chinas largest European trading partner. German products are in high demand - especially in the mechanical engineering sector, the automotive industry, the chemical industry and the environmental engineering sector. German industry is in an ideal position to deliver the products, processes and know-how that China needs in order to modernize its economy. The Federation of German Industries (BDI) and the Asia-Pacific Committee of German Business (APA) have spoken out in flavor of a partnership of equals in connection with Chinas Partner Country presentation at HANNOVER MESSE. Together with the German Government the BDI and the APA are committed to improving the investment climate and trading conditions for German enterprises in China. This includes the removal of market entry barriers and the promotion of fair competition.


About HANNOVER MESSE (the Hannover Fair)

The worlds leading showcase for industrial technology will take place in Hannover from 23 to 27 April 2012. Eight flagship fairs will be staged under the umbrella of HANNOVER MESSE 2012: Industrial Automation, Energy, MobiliTec, Digital Factory, Industrial Supply, CoilTechnica, IndustrialGreenTec and Research & Technology. In 2012 the spotlight will be on industrial automation, energy technology, industrial subcontracting and services, as well research and development.

