CDF之声 | 丹佛斯集团总裁兼首席执行官方行健:
“CDF之声”(CDF Voice)栏目旨在汇聚关注、支持和参与论坛的重要商业领袖,向国内公众和国际社会传递论坛与会代表心声。
今天做客CDF之声的是丹佛斯集团总裁兼首席执行官方行健(Kim Fausing)。
20年前,我们在中国启动了“第二家乡市场战略”(Second Home Market Strategy)。我们所说的家乡市场,指的是无论晴时还是风雨,我们都对中国保持全心全意的承诺和坚定的信心。
Hello everyone, I’m Kim Fausing, President and CEO of Danfoss. I’m very pleased to participate in China Development Forum.
In Danfoss we started China Second Home Market Strategy 20 years ago. By “homemarket”, we mean full commitment and confidence in China not only in the sunny days, but also in times with headwinds.
In the past 28 years since we came to China, our business has grown rapidly, and China has become important for Danfoss not only as a strong supply base and a big market, but also as an important talent pool for innovation. In the last three years, we have continuously invested in China, especially in smart manufacturing and innovation.
Over the years, China has achieved great progress in electrification and energy transition. In 2023, China commissioned as much solar PV as the entire world did in 2022, while wind also grew 66%. It is a clear sign of building a leading position in green sector. As high-quality development tops China’s agenda, industries are now focusing on their improvement of their sustainability performance and comprehensive competitiveness.
In Danfoss we have rich experiences in high-quality development, especially our proven green expertise accumulated in the Danish green growth model and our proven decarbonization approach. This includes energy efficiency, energy recovery, and green energy utilization. We are well positioned to contribute to the quality growth of our business partners, industries as well as the society.
In 2023, the World Economic Forum’s Centre for Urban Transformation honored our Project Zero with its Award of Distinction for Public-Private Collaboration in Cities in recognition for the positive and measurable impact demonstrated in the city of Sønderborg. Sønderborg is our hometown, and we are proud that we have been playing a key role in its successful green journey– this is just an example.
In China, we’re walking the talk by exemplifying high-quality green growth in our own facilities. Let’s take our Tianjin Wuqing Campus as an example. Equipped with our leading solutions in district heating, cooling, and especially sector coupling, the factory output has increased by 51% while total energy consumption has decreased 3% in last five years. The energy productivity has increased by 56%, and CO₂ emission decreased by 30%. Through these energy efficiency measures as well as the green power PPA deal, we prove that in China, high-quality industrial development and carbon neutrality is not only possible, but also doable with ready solutions.
China’s high-quality development opportunities request companies such as Danfoss to double down on investment in innovation and state-of-the-art technology production.
In 2023, we launched our Global Green Refrigerants Compressors Laboratory in Tianjin. It’s one of the largest and most advanced compressor innovation facilities in the world today and demonstrates thatwe are optimistic with the outlooks of China’s green economy.
Our IGBT semiconductor power module plant being built for the moment in Nanjing is another step to show our commitment and confidence in China’s green sector. When put into operations, we will deeply engage in the supply chain of China’s EV and renewable energy industries.
Finally, we will launch the construction of the second phase of our Haiyan Campus, which will further strengthen our footprint in China and support our global businesses.
As China takes more steps to fulfill its commitment to further open up, attract foreign investments and reinforce confidence, we look forward to closer cooperations with our Chinese partners to accelerate the formation of new productive forces, and deeper involvement in China’s future.
整理 - 雨仟
编辑 - 丝露

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