【ZiDongHua 之动感惠民生收录关键词: 美中贸易全国委员会 中博会 高质量发展
  2024年5月31日至6月1日,美中贸易全国委员会(USCBC)高级副会长范诺亚(Noah Fraser)率代表团到访湖南长沙,参与第十三届中国中部投资贸易博览会(中博会)及相关配套活动。
  From May 31 to June 1, 2024, USCBC led a member delegation to Changsha, Hunan, to join in the 13th Central China Investment and Trade Exposition (Expo Central China) and related activities.
  Meeting with Hunan Vice Governor Cao Zhiqiang
  During the visit, the USCBC Senior Vice President Noah Fraser and the delegation met with Ms. Zhang Min, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee and Henan Vice Governor; Mr. Cao Zhiqiang, Vice Governor of Hunan Province; and Mr. Shan Xiangqian, Vice Governor of Anhui Province. The meetings provided a more comprehensive picture of the key industries of each province and foreign investment-related policies. Members also discussed potential areas for collaboration with central China provinces and the opportunities for growth.
  Meeting with Anhui Vice Governor Shan Xiangqian
  On June 1, USCBC Senior Vice President Noah Fraser attended the roundtable for foreign investment promotion agencies organized by the Ministry of Commerce. During the event, he discussed opportunities for the US businesses in low-carbon transition and innovation-driven growths. He also suggested ideas on areas including further expanding opening up, improving the business environment, and increasing support on the demand side.
  Senior Vice President Noah Fraser spoke at the MOFCOM roundtable 
  今年4月17日,湖南省委副书记、省长毛伟明率团到访委员会位于美国华盛顿特区总部,同克雷格·艾伦(Craig Allen)会长及会员企业全球高管进行圆桌交流。
  On April 17, 2024, Hunan Governor Mao Weiming led a delegation to visit USCBC headquarter in Washington D.C., where they held a roundtable discussion with President Craig Allen and senior executives from USCBC members.
  Hunan Governor Mao Weiming visited the USCBC DC Office and met with senior executives from member companies
  At the invitation of Governor Mao Weiming, USCBC actively participated in the 13th Expo Central China. The delegation comprised of nearly ten leading companies from a variety of industries including biopharmaceuticals, ICT, energy and chemicals, food, consumer goods, and financial services.